
Town Of Bedford News : Applications for Fire Station Building Committee Now Being Accepted

Government and Politics

October 27, 2022

From: Town Of Bedford

The Bedford Select Board is seeking residents to volunteer to serve on the Fire Station Building Committee. This soon-to-be-established committee will participate in the selection of a designer and provide oversight of the project until the completion of construction. The committee will consist of a mix of Town staff and residents. 

The Building Committee was established by Town Meeting voters at 2022 Annual Town Meeting in March. The text of the Town Meeting motion is below; please note the requirement of construction-related experience. 

"...the Select Board shall appoint a building committee prior to hiring a design firm for the new fire station project, which building committee at minimum shall consist of the following: The Fire Chief or his designee, the Town Facilities Director, and three town citizen representatives at large who have at least five years’ experience in building construction projects as a project manager, clerk of the works, architect, mechanical, electrical, or civil engineer or other discipline directly related to building construction, with preference being given to applicants with public construction experience, and provided further that this committee shall participate in the designer selection process and shall provide oversight of the project until completion of construction.”

To apply for an appointment to this committee, please fill out a Volunteer Questionnaire available at https://www.bedfordma.gov/volunteer-coordinating-committee/files/questionnaire-for-volunteers. The application deadline is Monday, November 28 at 5:00 p.m. The Select Board will interview applicants and make appointments at a public meeting. 

If you have any questions, please contact the Town Manager's Office at 781-275-1111 or [email protected], or a member of the Select Board or Volunteer Coordinating Committee. For more information on the Fire Station Project, please visit https://www.bedfordma.gov/new-fire-station.