
Town Of Bedford News Notice Of MEPA Remove And In-Person Site Visits

Government and Politics

February 2, 2023

From: Town Of Bedford
Please see below from the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act Office:
EEA 16654  L.G. Hanscom Field North Airfield Development, Bedford
Project Description: An Environmental Notification Form (ENF) (https://eeaonline.eea.state.ma.us/EEA/MEPA-eMonitor/submittal/f8f297f0-47c4-4926-bba3-ba7d3ed94cc2) (please note: this is a link to only a small portion of the ENF; see below to obtain a full copy) has been filed with the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs by Runway Realty Ventures, LLC and North Airfield Ventures, LLC to construct 27 hangars and renovate the existing Navy Hangar building to provide a combined area of 495,470 square feet (sf) of hangar space.  The project involves land transfers between the Proponent and Massport, including a 28.1 -acre Massport Ground Lease area and transfer of two parcels totaling 5.2 acres from Massport to the Proponent. In addition, the Proponent will transfer a 2.6-acre parcel to Massport to provide a Taxiway Object Free Area and a perimeter access road. The project will alter 23.2 acres of land; add 23.9 acres of impervious area;  construct 175 New parking spaces for a total of 240 spaces including existing spaces; generate 194 average daily vehicle trips, use 13,500 gallons per day (gpd) of water and generate 12,150 gpd of wastewater. The project site is located within an Environmental Justice population designated as Minority and within a mile of additional EJ populations.
The project meets the threshold for a mandatory EIR at 301 CMR 11.03(1)(a)(2), creation of 10 or more acres of impervious area. The project requires preparation of an EIR pursuant to 301 CMR 11.06(7)(b) because it is located within a Designated Geographic Area (or DGA) (as defined in 301 CMR 11.02) around one or more EJ populations. The project requires a Land Transfer from Massport to the Proponent.
The MEPA Office will conduct both an in-person site visit and a remote consultation session. The public is welcome to participate in either or both of the meetings.
In-person site visit: 3:00 PM on Monday February 6, 2023. We will meet at the site, which is accessed off Hartwell Road.
Remote consultation session: The public consultation session will take place at 6:30 PM on Monday February 6, 2023. See below for a meeting link and call-in phone number.
MEPA comments due on or before: February 14, 2023
Certificate due: February 24, 2023
Contact for Project Information: Ken Schwartz, (617) 607-2156,  [email protected]
MEPA Contact: Alex Strysky, (857) 408-6957, [email protected]
Comments may be submitted my email to [email protected] or via the MEPA Public Comments Portal.
Zoom meeting link for remote site visit on Monday February 6 at 6:30 PM: https://vhb.zoom.us/j/84330574548?pwd=eThiOXY3a05YQWRzcGphKzZ0aFpYZz09