
Town Of Camp Verde : Friends of the Library Fall Newsletter 2022

Government and Politics

October 5, 2022

From: Town Of Camp Verde

Hi Everyone!

Fall is finally upon us, and boy, do we ever have a lot to share with you this time! Our Fall Fund Raiser is coming up soon. We are having our first ever gift basket silent auction! We want to thank all of you that brought new or gently used items to the library so we could create gift baskets. Your support means a lot to us! Without you, we would not have the funds to replace items, order new books, bring in new programs, present summer reading programs, fund Music in the Stacks, or other necessary things that make our library so special.

We have been working really hard to make our baskets look beautiful and appealing to you. You will see all sizes, filled with many interesting items in each basket. Themes include birthdays, tea, coffee, Fall, Thanksgiving, Christmas, pets, children, families, recreation, and many more! Baskets will also contain new items, such as DVDs and books, as well as vintage items that will have nostalgic appeal. There will be 30-35 baskets on display! The baskets will be on display in the library walkway on the first floor starting Saturday October 22.  Bidding opens on Monday, October 24th and closes on Saturday, November 19th, just in time for Thanksgiving. Mark those dates on your calendar!

Now for the BIG surprise!  A patron has donated an 1885 Morgan Silver Dollar to make this fundraiser more fun and very exciting. This coin is worth $220. We will have a picture of it hidden in one of the baskets!  If you are the winner of that basket, you will win the the 1885 Morgan Silver Dollar!  Wow!  What a deal!

Besides the fund raiser, we would like to remind you that we still have Bashas Community Support Cards which you can purchase from the front desk. You can always ask for Alice. They cost $10 but when you buy a card, you get $10 on it so it is free!  These make great gift cards for any occasion.  You can add more money to it if you want to give someone more than $10. Our members usually put their allotted money for monthly groceries on this card. When you do that Bashas DOES NOT TAKE MONEY OFF YOUR CARD!  Instead, they donate 6% of what YOU spend out of their pocket directly to our fabulous library each month. There will be a report of how much they give our library at our yearly meeting on Thursday, October 27th at 11:00a in the Terracotta Room.

We have sold many cards but only about 25 people use them all the time by reloading their card each week or month. Can you imagine how much “free” money we could make if we all used them regularly? It is so easy to reload! You can go to the front desk or ask a cashier at checkout. You just need to tell the cashier that you need to reload BEFORE they begin to ring up items. If your card stops working because you have worn it out, please come to the library and get another one. You can take both cards to Bashas and they will transfer the money from the disabled card to your new one!

Don’t forget to check out Sweet Pea!  New items are already there for the Fall. Ambie is always busy getting things ready just for you! We will send out more information about the yearly meeting and hope to see many of you there to hear our progress and enjoy a delicious lunch!

Happy Fall!
Your Friends of Camp Verde Library