
Town of Ledyard News And Announcements Legal Notice - Board of Assessment Appeals

Government and Politics

January 27, 2023

From: Town of Ledyard


Board of Assessment Appeal

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Ledyard Board of Assessment Appeals will meet for the transaction of such business as shall be legally brought before it.

The purpose of the meeting is to hear appeals of any Real Property Assessments and Personal Property for the 2022 Grand List as well as Motor Vehicles on the 2021 Supplemental Grand List.

Appeal Applications are available at the Ledyard Town Hall, 741 Colonel Ledyard Highway in the Assessor’s Office or on the Town website www.ledyardct.org.

All appeal applications must be submitted in writing in accordance with CGS 12-111 and received and date stamped by the Assessor’s Office by Monday, February 20, 2023.

Hearings will be scheduled as needed during the month of March in the Town Council Chambers. All appellants will be notified in writing and at least seven days before the date of the hearing.

Dated this 30th day of January 2023

Roger Codding, Chairman Jennifer Lineaweaver

Eric Treaster