
Town Of Queen Creek News - Queen Creek Breaks Ground on Phase II of Mansel Carter Oasis Park

Government and Politics

November 11, 2022

From: Town Of Queen Creek

Queen Creek Breaks Ground on Phase II of Mansel Carter Oasis Park
The Town of Queen Creek broke ground on phase II of Mansel Carter Oasis Park, located off of Sossaman Road, north of Ocotillo. The 13-acre expansion is slated to open in late 2023 and will include tennis courts, volleyball courts, pickleball courts, an outdoor fitness zone, additional restrooms and parking, and passive green space.

“We opened Mansel Carter Oasis Park in 2018 and it has been bustling with sports, kids running around, family activities and laughter,” stated Queen Creek Vice Mayor Jeff Brown. “We are thrilled to be expanding the park, as promised when it opened. As a Council, we continue to prioritize public safety and critical infrastructure like roads and utilities. And, with much of that under construction or in design, we can continue to enhance the high quality of life that we enjoy here in Queen Creek.”

The expansion was designed by J2 Engineering and is being built by Haydon Building Corporation. The Town recently broke ground on Frontier Family Park, a new 85-acre park that will be located on Signal Butte, north of Queen Creek Road, also slated to open by late 2023. The northeastern portion of Frontier Family Park will include a recreation and aquatic center, which is slated to open in 2024.

In the 2021 Citizen Survey, 81% of Queen Creek residents reported visiting a Town park in the past year, with 33% visiting a park more than 10 times. In a separate survey also conducted in 2021, 75% of residents reported wanting a Town aquatic center and/or recreational center. 

The development of a new park and expansion of Mansel Carter Oasis Park is supported by the Town’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan, which was updated in 2018. They also support goals identified in the Town’s Corporate Strategic Plan, superior infrastructure, safe community, effective government, secure future and quality lifestyle.

Learn more about the Town’s parks and recreational opportunities at QueenCreekAZ.gov/Recreation. To stay updated on events and activities in the community, follow the Town on Facebook.com/QueenCreek or Twitter.com/TownofQC. For general information about the Town visit QueenCreekAZ.gov