
Town of Wakefield - New Veterans Field Sign Unveiled; Veterans Honored At Annual Ceremony

Government and Politics

November 15, 2022

From: Town of Wakefield

On Friday morning, November 11, 2022, a small group gathered at Veterans Field on the corner of North Ave. and Church Street to witness an event eighty years in the making. In 1943, the Town of Wakefield set aside a park in honor of residents who served in the military. However, a formal dedication of this park called Veterans Field never took place. Thanks to the passion and generosity of Wakefield residents Lois Jarema Benjamin and Daniel Benjamin, the late Lois and Frank Adams, and the late Gladys Parker, the park now bears an impressive sign that pays tribute to those who served in the armed forces.

Wakefield Veterans Advisory Board Chairman, Paul J. Cancelliere, Major, United States Army, Retired, coordinated the dedication ceremony. Rabbi Greg Hersh, representing Temple Emmanuel, offered an inspirational invocation. Town Council member Robert Vincent, Commander, Judge Advocate General Corps, United States Navy, Retired, shared the importance of this dedication to our town and the veteran community. Lois Benjamin offered a heartfelt testament.

In attendance were Norman Abbott, representing Congressman Seth Moulton, USMC, 6th District; State Senator Jason Lewis, 5th Middlesex District; State Representative Kate Lipper-Garabedian, 32nd Middlesex District; and State Representative Donald H. Wong, 9th Essex District. Town Council members in attendance included Mehreen ****, Chair; Johnathan Chines, Vice-Chair; Anne Danehy, and Julie Smith-Galvin, as well as Town Administrator Stephen P. Maio.   Also representing the Town were Police Chief Skory and Fire Chief Sullivan. Our Veterans Service Officer, David Mangan, attended and assisted with the coordination of the ceremony. Members of the American Legion Post 63 were present. Bob Sardella designed and created the sign, which was erected by members of the Wakefield Department of Public Works under the supervision of Dennis Fazio. Members of Girl Scout Troop 62842 ended the ceremony placing commemorative wreaths at the base of the sign. 

At 11 a.m., the annual Veterans Day Ceremony took place at the Galvin Middle School. Following opening remarks by Cancelliere and a posting of the colors by Boy Scout Troop 701, American Legion Post 63 Sam Stella led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience then enjoyed the first of several performances by musicians from our Wakefield Memorial High School as the award-winning Treble Choir and Chamber Singers performed the National Anthem.

Invocation and benediction was given by Rabbi Hersh of Wakefield’s Temple Emmanuel. It was noted that the Temple, which celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2022, features a monument in tribute to the “four chaplains,” who selflessly gave up their life jackets and assisted shipmates when their U.S. Army Transport Dorchester was sunk by a German submarine in 1943.

After welcoming remarks from Town Council Chair **** and the reading of Governor Charlie Baker’s “Proclamation to Veterans” by Michael Owen of Wakefield’s Veterans Advisory Board, resident Corporal Paul Fazzina received the Republic of Korea Ambassador of Peace Medal from David Mangan. This commemorative medal is an expression of appreciation from the Korean government to United States service men and women who served in the Korean War.

John Bohling, member of the American Legion Post 63, recited “In Flanders Field” before the audience watched a message from Wakefield native CDR Shelby M. Nikitin, USN, and her crew aboard the USS Thomas Hudner. They provided an introduction to the ceremony’s guest speaker, Thomas J. Hudner III.

Mr. Hudner shared the experiences of his late father, Medal of Honor recipient Captain Thomas. J. Hudner, Jr., USN, and Ensign Jesse L. Brown, lthe first African-American aviator to fly in combat. Brown was shot down over North Korea in December of 1950. Risking court-martial for his actions, Hudner landed his own aircraft on a snowy mountainside in an attempt to save his colleague and friend. Mr. Hudner spoke of his father’s humble nature, and the he never felt pressured to join the military despite his father’s decorated service. Instead, he finds fulfilment in serving his community in other ways, including his current position with Boston MedFlight, which provides critical care transport throughout the region.

Mr. Hudner was presented with an official State Citation from Senator Lewis; a commemorative coin from the Patton Homestead, the former home of General George S. Patton Jr. and his son Major General George S. Patton IV; and an American Flag that had been flown over Wakefield’s Town Hall. It was noted that a flag will also be sent to the Commander and crew of the USS Thomas Hudner.

Local veterans in attendance were honored as the High School’s Wind Ensemble played “The Armed Forces – The Pride of America,” and a moment of silence was observed while David Mangan and Wakefield Girl Scout Troop 62842 placed a wreath on stage. Taps was performed by students Lilah Hatheway and Caroline Dill.

The ceremony concluded with a benediction from Rabbi Hersh and closing remarks by Paul Cancelliere. Boy Scout Troop 701 retired the colors and the Treble Choir performed a moving rendition of “We Are the Voice.” Attendees joined guests from the Army National Guard at a collation following the event featuring food and refreshments graciously donated by Laurie’s 9:09 Catering.