
Town of Wakefield News - Have New Ideas, There are Many Opportunities to Get Involved!

Government and Politics

January 31, 2023

From: Town of Wakefield

Have new ideas? There are many opportunities to get involved!

The Town of Wakefield is seeking residents who are interested in being re-appointed/appointed to one of the various following boards, committees or commissions and are instructed to complete the application along with a resume and email to Sherri Dalton, Executive Assistant by Friday, February 17th, 2023. If you are currently on a committee and have a term expiring April 30th, 2023 and are able/want to remain on the committee you need to reapply.  If you are unsure of when your term expires you can look on the Town’s website under the particular committee you serve on, or you can email Sherri Dalton.  Re-appointments/appointments will be made in April 2023 by the Town Council.  Re-appointment/appointments for the following committees will be a three-year term from May 1, 2023 through the end of April 2026 unless otherwise stated. All Board/Committee/Commission meetings are currently held via Zoom virtual meetings and are video and audio recorded.

Advisory Board of Public Works

The Town Council shall appoint a three (3) member Advisory Board of Public Works, who are suitably qualified, for terms of three (3) years each, so arranged that the term of one member shall expire each year. The Advisory Board of Public Works shall from time to time consult with the Town Administrator for the purpose of providing advice and assistance in the development of policy guidelines for the operation of the Department of Public Works, and perform other advisory functions related to the Department of Public Works as the Town Council may direct.  Advisory Board meetings are held as needed and typically Monday nights at 7:00 p.m.

The Following are specific tasks to be undertaken by the Advisory Board:

- Serve as the Solid Waste Advisory Committee

- Develop, revise and/or update, as necessary, policies and procedures related to Rubbish and Recycling, Sanitary Sewer Connection Permits, Cemeteries, Parks, Playgrounds, and Recreational Areas

- Review all Public Works Articles for Town Meeting and provide recommendations for each such article to the Town Administrator and Town Council

- Serve as the Water and Sewer Advisory Committee

- Recommend water and sewer rates to the Town Council

- Hold hearings and make recommendations on petitions of residents for acceptance of private ways under the Betterment Act

- Develop, revise and/or update, as necessary, public works policies and procedures

- Hold public hearings with the Town Council as required on petitions to construct or alter utility lines in the Town of Wakefield and make recommendations regarding disposition of such petitions

Albion Cultural Exchange Committee

The Albion Cultural Exchange Committee has been charged with overseeing the refurbishment, scheduling and management of the building known as the Albion Cultural Exchange located at 9 Albion Street.  It is anticipated that this Committee will continue to work with the Town Administrator and Town Council in helping to create an arts corridor in the Albion Street area.  Meetings are held monthly usually on the first Wednesday of the Month at 7:00 p.m.  Also, Committee members are expected to staff events held at the Albion Cultural Exchange.

Arts Council

The purpose of the Wakefield Cultural Council is to support public programs that promote access, education, diversity, and excellence in the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences in Wakefield.  The Council works closely with the Massachusetts Cultural Council to provide grant money to support these efforts.  The Council meets as needed and typically at 7:00 p.m.

Capital Planning Committee

Pursuant to the Town Charter the Capital Planning Committee recommends Capital expenditures to the Town Council, Finance Committee and ultimately Town Meeting.  The Committee works toward the completion of a long-term capital plan assessing the needs in all areas from Town vehicles to buildings to parks.  The Committee meets often during the months February, March and April, sometimes on a weekly basis typically at 7:00 p.m.

Cable Advisory Board

The Cable Advisory works with the Town Council and Wakefield Cable Access Television to ensure that the citizens of Wakefield receive programming that is both educational and informative of happenings in Wakefield.  The Cable Advisory Board also assists Town Counsel and the Town Council in the negotiation of Contracts with Wakefield’s three cable providers.  The Board meets as needed.

Commission on Disabilities

The overall mission of the Commission on Disabilities is to address the needs and concerns of our disabled residents and promote their full participation in the activities and services of Wakefield.  The Commission meets the first Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. The Commission's role is to:

- Act as an advocate for the disabled community.

- Advise town officials to ensure compliance with federal, state, and town disability laws and regulations.

- Raise the awareness by providing information, assistance, and referrals to individuals, businesses, and organization pertaining to disability issues.

- Review and make recommendations on policies and activities of Wakefield departments and boards as they impact people with disabilities.

- Create a barrier free town.

- Promote accessible public transportation.

- Encourage accessible housing.

- Work to develop equal job opportunities for the disabled.

Conservation Commission

The Conservation Commission meets the First and third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. as needed to review petitions from land owners and or developers in regards to projects that may require approval as defined by the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act.  The Conservation works closely with the Town Engineer and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.  In addition to three-year terms there is also an opening to fill an unexpired non-voting position through April 30th, 2025.

Council on Aging

The duties of the Council shall include:

- identify the total needs of the community's elderly population;

- educate the community and enlist the support and participation of all citizens concerning these needs;

- design, promote, or implement services to fill these needs or coordinate present existing services in the community;

- promote and support any other programs which are designed to assist elderly persons in the community;

- cooperate, so far as practicable, with the Executive Office of Elder Affairs; and,

- submit a copy of its annual report on its activities to the Town Council and shall submit a copy of its report to the Executive Office of Elder Affairs.

The board has eight meeting per year and meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.

Environmental Sustainability Committee

The Town of Wakefield recognizes that sustainable environmental practices are critical to protecting and enhancing the ecological and economic health of our community and surrounding areas. Addressing environmental and energy issues, such as resource conservation, waste reduction and energy efficiency, can contribute to the well-being of the Town and its businesses, residents and ecosystems. This committee will work with the Town Administrator, Town Departments, Boards, and Commissions to assist and advise on ways to encourage balanced and responsible environmental stewardship.  Meetings are typically held the second Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m.  In addition to three-year terms there is also an opening to fill an unexpired term through April 30th, 2024.

Fence Viewing Committee

The Fence Viewing Committee is a standing committee appointed by the Town Council.  This committee is referred situations where neighbors are in a dispute over the height or location of fences.  The hope is to resolve these issues without the need for public hearings and/or litigation.

Historical Commission

The Wakefield Historical Commission was established by an act of the Town Meeting and is a 5-member board appointed by the Town Council. The Commission’s responsibility is to work to preserve, protect, and develop Wakefield’s historical and architectural heritage in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 8D.  Meetings are typically held monthly on Wednesday’s at 7:00 p.m. or as needed.

Human Rights Commission

The mission of the Human Rights Commission is to promote the civil and human rights of all people in Wakefield. The goal is to reinforce positive relationships in the community and to create educational programs to foster a greater understanding and appreciation for diversity. Such educational activities help communities become more harmonious, respectful, and cohesive. Through working with other groups and agencies within our community, we will strive to eliminate prejudice and intolerance, promote mutual respect and human rights and accept individual differences.  The Commission typically meets the third Tuesday of each month 7:00 p.m.  As needed are ad hoc meetings to plan events, through subcommittees, and the events themselves.

Permanent Building Committee

It shall be the responsibility of the Permanent Building Committee to oversee all projects for design, construction, reconstruction, renovation, alteration or enlargement of any building owned by the Town, or undertaken on land owned or leased by the Town, with an expected project and/or construction value of $100,000 or more. The Permanent Building Committee shall have the sole authority to procure engineering and architectural services, to award bids for construction, to enter into contracts on behalf of the Town with respect to matters within its authority and to administer such contracts in accordance with applicable law. Whenever land acquisition is or may be necessary for any project within its authority, the Permanent Building Committee shall study such proposed acquisition and report to Town Meeting thereon. Town Meeting may expand or limit the powers and responsibilities of the Permanent Building Committee with respect to specific projects.  Meetings are typically held on Thursday’s at 7:00 p.m.

Recreation Commission

The Recreation Commission shall be responsible for the evaluation of program activities, formulation of overall plans for the program development, and for the scheduling of Town parks and fields.

Meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.

Veteran Advisory Board

The Wakefield Veteran Advisory Board was established in 2012 to provide recommendations to the Town Administrator and oversee the operations of the Wakefield Veteran Services office. The Board brings accountability and provides a strong veteran voice to policies and procedures affecting Wakefield veterans.  Meetings are typically held the third Tuesday of the Month at 7:00 p.m.

Zoning Board of Appeals

Board of Appeals hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month except when there is a conflict with a holiday or voting day in which case notice will be given for the new hearing date. Original hearing notice is always given through direct mail to abutters and newspaper publication and public posting for the general public. Continuances are only verbally noticed during the original and subsequent hearings on the matter.

The Board of Appeals has all of the powers and performs all of the duties conferred or imposed upon it under the applicable provisions of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and by the Town of Wakefield Bylaws.  These powers include the power to hear and decide:

- Appeals in accordance with MGL Chapter 40A, Section 8;

- Applications for Special Permits;

- Requests for Variances; and

- Appeals from decisions of the Zoning Administrator.