
Town of Winchester: Updates From The Town Manager's Office - January 11, 2023

Government and Politics

January 12, 2023

From: Town of Winchester

January 7th Special Election Results

There was a special election held on January 7th with two override questions

Both questions were voted in favor.  With the favorable vote on Question 1, the Lynch Elementary School project will now move into the design development phase.  Construction is anticipated to begin in January 2024.  

Question 2 will be used to support pedestrian, bike and traffic safety improvements around the Lynch Elementary School in accordance with the Select Board policy for school building projects.  Following payoff of the Lynch traffic improvements, the funds would be used for other capital projects, such as roof replacements, window replacements, and other traffic improvements, subject to Town Meeting appropriation.

Please click here to see the complete election results.

Running for Public Office

Nomination papers are now available for the March 18, 2023 Annual Town Election.  Voters interested in pulling papers for public office may stop by the Town Clerk's Office. The deadline to pull nomination papers is Wednesday, January 25th.  You can find more information on How to Run for Public Office is available here: https://www.winchester.us/DocumentCenter/View/9387/Annual-Town-Election-Guideline?bidId=.

Transfer Station Fees

Representatives from DPW were in attendance at the January 9th Select Board Meeting to discuss the proposed increases to the commercial tipping fees recommended in the Working Group report, as noted below:

Construction debris – Increase from $220 to $230
Commercial mix – Increase from $185 to $195
Commercial household and business – Increase from $160 to $170
The financial model that was developed as part of the Working Group estimates that the proposed increases would generate approximately $40,000 a year in additional revenue.

2023 Spring Town Meeting

The warrant for the Spring 2023 Town Meeting will close on Friday, March 17th. The first night of Town Meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 24th.

Construction Projects

On-going Construction projects:
Eversource 345kV Project – Limited work is on-going as weather permits.
Eversource 115kV Project – No additional work is expected until the spring.
Main Street Bridge Railing Repairs –The contractor is waiting on the pre-cast bridge cap to be delivered. The fabricator has recently indicated that they expect delivery by the end of January.
North Reservoir Dam – Construction will continue as weather permits. Final loam, seed, and plantings will be installed in the spring.
Transfer Station Renovation – Demolition of the incinerator building is scheduled for February.
DPW Fire Alarm – Work is substantially complete.
Muraco School Roof – All roof replacements are complete. Fascia and soffit work is on-going as well as other repairs. Work is scheduled to be complete by March. The contractor has been working around the school schedule and weather, which has delayed completion a bit.

Upcoming Construction projects:

Woodside Road and Wildwood Street – Construction will be delayed to spring 2023 due to a lack of available curbing.  
Muraco School Electrical – The electrical bid was awarded and the contract is being executed for work to occur in summer 2023.
Parkhurst Swing Space – Bid proposals were due last week for the modular classrooms.
The following projects are currently being prepared for bid: Parkhurst Renovations, McCall Façade, RRFB at Leonard Field, Winchester High School Drainage, Winter Pond Settling Tank, Town Hall Fire Alarm, Lead Lines, HVAC at Parkhurst, McCall Middle School Controls.

Click Here For More Information