
Treasurer Smith Presents Des Moines Public Schools With a Check for Their Unclaimed Funds

Government and Politics

February 23, 2023

From: Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds

DES MOINES - State Treasurer Roby Smith presented Des Moines Public Schools with a check for funds they claimed through the Great Iowa Treasure Hunt. “I am proud to reunite Des Moines Public Schools with their funds,” said Treasurer Smith. “Every dollar returned to schools and other businesses is a dollar towards helping them achieve their goals.”

Matt Smith, Interim Superintendent, accepted the check on behalf of Des Moines Public Schools. “Des Moines Public Schools is grateful to have so many partners supporting our work in education, and that includes State Treasurer Smith and the team at the Great Iowa Treasure Hunt,” said Interim Superintendent Smith. “At a time when every dollar matters in supporting our students and schools, the recovery of funds is more important now than ever."

“More than $489 million is still waiting to be claimed, and schools from all around the state are on our list,” concluded Treasurer Smith. “I encourage all families to search for their children’s school or university, then talk to the school’s business department about making a claim. They’ll thank you for it!”

The Great Iowa Treasure Hunt, administered by Treasurer Smith, is Iowa’s only legitimate source of unclaimed property. Each year, millions of dollars are turned over after financial institutions and businesses lose contact with the owner. Examples include forgotten checking and savings accounts, stocks, uncashed checks, life insurance policies, utility refunds and safe deposit box contents.

Iowans and businesses can search for their name at GreatIowaTreasureHunt.gov. It’s secure, free and easy to use. Follow the Treasurer on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to stay up-to-date on all areas of the office.