
Twin Cities Early Music Festival 2024

Arts and Entertainment

October 11, 2024

From: Twin Cities Early Music Festival

Schedule Of Events

Oct 13,2024 - 7:30 pm
St. Mary's Episcopal Church

Charles Asch and Asako Hirabayashi Works for Cello and Harpsichord
Charles Asch, cello, and Asako Hirobayashi, harpsichord offer up a delightul program to launch the Twin Cities Early Music Festival.

October 14 2024 : 7:30 pm
St. Mary's Episcopal Church

North by Midwest
Ensemble Sprezzatura features Thomas Walker, Jr., lute, Paul Berget, lute and gamba, Mary Burke, gambas, Ginna Watson, violin and vielle, and Donald Livingston, harp, in a program of Renaissance tunes from Josquin, Caron, and Buonamente. This program is a reprise of the 2017 Festival show, North by Southwest.

October 15 2024 : 2:00 pm
St. Mary's Episcopal Church

Early Music Minnesota
Early Music Minnesota will present selections from their new CD: Origin Stories: Popular Violin Sonatas Performed on Historical Instruments. CDs will be available onsite, as well as online. Click below to learn more.

The Art of the Baroque Lute Suite
Lutenist Phillip Rukavina presents a program of baroque music for the solo lute in the gorgeous acoustic of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. In this recital, you will hear four dance suites composed at various times during the Baroque age in Europe (ca. 1630-1750). Rukavina will perform these suites on a lovely 13-course Italian liutio attoribato bringing these intimate musical gems to life. Composers include J.S Bach, S.L. Weiss, and Giovanni Zamboni.

October 16 2024 : 7:30 pm
University Club St. Paul

Breaking the Rules in the 16th and 17th Centuries
Susanna Unbound:
The instrumental ensembles of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries were called in England 'consorts', a misspelling of 'concert' which, like 'concerto', probably comes from the Latin verb conserere meaning 'to combine together.' Viol players Erica Rubis, Margaret Humphrey, Maryne Mossey, Rebecca Humphrey, and Julie Elhard will delight us again this year with the mesmerizing sounds of the viol consort with 'Susanna' settings and other music by composers who redefined the musical boundaries.

?October 17 2024 : 2:00 pm
St. Mary's Episcopal Church

2x2: Instruments in Pairs
Harpsichordists Tami Morse and Donald Livingston are joined by lutenists Thomas Walker, Jr. and Paul Berget to bring an unusual program of music for pairs of instruments, and a final chaconne for all four!

October 17 2024 : 7:30 pm
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
L'arte di Suonare
Music of 16th and 17th century Italy with Cléa Galhano, recorder, Joseph Jones, dulcian, and Donald Livingston, harpsichord.

October 18 2024 : 7:30 pm
St Mary's Episcopal Church

Pourquoy doux rossignol:
?Airs by Moulinie, Boesset, and Lambert
Thomas J. Walker, Jr. and Sarah Jackson delight us with chansons from Renaissance France.

October 19 2024 : 7:00 pm
St. Mary's Episcopal Church

Birthday Bash
Lyra celebrates its 40th year and the Twin Cities Early Music Festival honors its 10th in this joint musical festivity. Join us for a pastiche program of performances by Charles Asch, Tulio Rondón, Cléa Galhano and Donald Livingston followed by reception complete with birthday cake and a special presentation. Free to all.

October 20 2024 : 4:00 pm
St. Mary's Episcopal Church

English Elegance
Verse Anthems from Gibbons to Purcell
The Gregorian Singers take us back to the Restoration and the court of Charles II with the quintessentially English musical form, the verse anthem. The vocal and instrumental music of Tomkins, Gibbons, and Matthew Locke is sure to captivate.

?Gregorian Singers is joined by instrumentalists Ginna Watson and Julie Elhard under the direction of Monte Mason.

Date : Oct 13-20,2024

Location : various Venues In Saint Paul, MN

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