
VTGOP Responds to Burlington City Council's Anemic Resolutions to Address Crime

Government and Politics

September 10, 2024

VTGOP Responds to Burlington City Council's Anemic Half Measures to Address Crime

Last night the Burlington City Council passed two resolutions related to crime and policing. VTGOP Chairman Paul Dame had the following response

“This is the fundamental problem with the Progressive approach, they are unable and unwilling to admit their mistakes even when people are dying because of their foolishness. How hard is it to say that it was the wrong move to defund the police back in 2020? For four years Burlington residents have been in greater danger and the city was rated the sixth most “unsafe” city in American last December. Admitting the mistake and taking a new approach would instill confidence among voters, but instead Progressives continue to play games with residents’ safety.

In a bold move of irony the Progressive Democrat coalition on the city council also passed a resolution against gun violence. But passing resolutions instead of putting police on the streets to actually stop gun crimes has become emblematic for every kind of progressive policy. It’s all talk and no results. Progressive Democrats have lost the ability to govern in a serious way. If the Burlington City Council wants to pass resolutions instead of equipping the city with the police force that used to protect its citizens, they should all go back to high school and play model U.N. The lives, neighborhoods and businesses in Burlington have been profoundly and permanently affected by the games these Progressive Democrats continue to play.”