
West Hartford Public Library News - February 15, 2023

Schools and Libraries

February 16, 2023

From: Noah Webster Library

Comprehensive Retirement Planning

Join the father/daughter team of Lou and Jessica Pelletier for an interactive comprehensive retirement planning workshop. They will be discussing new laws, Social Security, 401K/403B, IRAs, assets, life insurance, and what legal documents you should have in retirement. Tuesday, 2/21 at 6:30PM

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Technology Courses

We’re once again partnering with Second Innings to offer four technology courses starting the week of February 27: Data Analytics 101, Python, SQL, and Agile. Each course is most beneficial for mid-career professionals who have some level of business understanding and want to further their skill sets for better career opportunities, but enrollment is open to everyone. Registration closes at 4PM on 2/23.

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Author Talk With Lucy Ferriss and
Ethan Rutherford

Join us as the library welcomes Lucy Ferriss and Ethan Rutherford to talk about their books Foreign Climes and Farthest South. Both books are short fiction stories, which have appeared in numerous well-known magazines. Tuesday, 2/28 at 6:30PM

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Art and Chat Collage

All Ages: A program designed for West Hartford's English Language Learners brought to you by West Hartford Immigrant Teens and the West Hartford Libraries Celebrate All of Us initiative! Join us on Saturday mornings for a series of crafts and practice your English in a relaxed environment. Saturday, 3/4 at 10:30AM

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