Government and Politics
January 20, 2025
From: Town of WestonGreetings and Welcome to Town Hall Happenings!
First Selectwoman’s Opening Note
As the Martin Luther King holiday draws near, I express my gratitude for the presence of an organization like Lachat Town Farm in Weston. Individuals nationwide opt to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day by engaging in acts of service and contemplating the profound messages he conveyed throughout his lifetime. Kindly refer to the information provided below regarding this opportunity for our community to pay tribute to Dr. King's legacy through service and volunteerism facilitated by Lachat.
I trust that you will have a meaningful day on Monday, and I would like to share one of my favorite quotes from Martin Luther King, Jr.: "I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear."
Holiday Closings:
- MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS will be closed Monday January 20
- TRANSFER STATION will be closed Sunday Jan 19 through Tuesday Jan 21, reopening Wednesday Jan 22
Message from the Land Use Director
PZC Public Hearing for the Proposed Text Amendments to the Village District Regulations scheduled for Monday, January 6 has been postponed until February 3rd
It's Budget Season!
Weston Public Schools Budget Information
The Weston Public School proposed operating and capital budgets, along with supplemental documentation can be found on the district website under Board of Education/Budget. Below is a list of WPS budget meetings that have already taken place with links to the meetings. Please see the letter with detailed information from the School Superintendent Lisa Barbiero HERE as well as the dates below regarding the Weston Public School Budget.
Below are previous meetings which can also be found on the WPS website under Board of Education/Previously Recorded Meetings.
- 01/06/2025 Special Meeting: Operating & Capital Budgets Presentation
- 01/07/2025 Special Meeting: Budget Workshop #1
- 01/15/2025 - BOE Public Forum #1 with Administration on FY 2025 Budget Request
- 01/16/2025 - BOE Budget Workshop #2
Here is a list of the remaining WPS budget meetings. Links to meeting details can be found on the WPS district calendar. In addition, Board of Education meeting details can also be found on the Town of Weston Community Events Calendar.
- 01/21/2025 – BOE Regular Meeting
- 01/23/2025 - BOE Special Meeting: Public Forum #2
- 01/27/2025 - BOE Special Meeting: Budget Workshop #3
- 01/28/2025 – BOE Special Meeting: Approval & Adoption of FY’26 Recommended Operating & Capital Budgets
- 01/30/2025 – BOE Special Meeting: Approval & Adoption of FY’26 Recommended Operating & Capital Budgets (if necessary)
Town Budget Meeting Calendar:
The public is highly encouraged to participate in this year’s budget process. Below is the tentative meeting schedule. The Town budget will be posted for review before February 6th.
Thursday February 6th, 2025 7:00 pm – First Selectwoman Presents Town Budget request to Board of Selectmen
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 6:00 pm – Board of Selectmen reviews Board of Education’s budget request
Thursday, February 13, 2025, 6:00 pm – Board of Selectmen reviews First Selectwoman’s budget request
Friday, February 28, 2025, 6:00 pm – Board of Selectmen votes on and transmits First Selectman’s and Board of Education budgets to Board of Finance. Board also nominates moderator for ATBM
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 6 pm – Board of Finance reviews Board of Education’s budget request
Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 6 pm – Board of Finance reviews Board of Selectmen’s budget request
Thursday, March 13, 2025, 6 pm – Board of Finance reviews Board of Education’s budget request and Board of Selectmen’s Budget (if necessary).
Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 6 pm – Board of Finance holds public hearing on budget request
Thursday, April 10, 2025, 6 pm – Board of Finance budget deliberation meeting
Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 8 pm – Annual Town Budget meeting at the High School Auditorium
Saturday, May 3, 2025, 12pm to 8 pm –Annual Town Budget Referendum at the Town Hall
Monday, May 5, 2025, 6 pm – Board of Finance meets to set mill rate
Town Hall Talks
As an enhancement of the weekly Town Hall Happenings newsletter, please join First Selectwoman Sam Nestor for "Town Hall Talks," on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Come with your questions and we will be there with updates on Town activities.
Town Hall talks schedule:
2nd Tuesday of the Month - 1pm at the Town Hall
4th Tuesday of the Month - 6pm at the Town Hall
RSVP required. The next session is on 1/28 at 6pm: [email protected]
MLK Day of Service on January 20, 2025 - 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM @ Lachat Town Farm
People all across the country will observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day this January 20th in various ways. One important way to commemorate King's life and work is by participating in a day of service and reflecting on the messages he spread throughout his life. Our 6th Annual MLK Day of Service is an opportunity for our community to honor Dr. King’s legacy through service and volunteerism. For this year’s service project, we will be working with local charity Person to Person. Established in 1968 in direct response to the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Person to Person is dedicated to promoting equitable access to economic improvement. How can you participate in serving on MLK Day?
- Register now to fill bags of needed food items that you and/or your family will assemble at Lachat to benefit individuals in need.
- Sign up for as many bags as you would like to put together on the day of the event.
- Your registration pays for all the items in the bag (a full week of food for an individual).
- If you cannot attend, we welcome donations for bags so others can assemble for you.
- In addition to filling bags for Person to Person, we welcome you to bring non-perishable food items for our Weston Food Pantry.
While visiting the farm to participate in our service project, we invite you and your family to further honor Dr. King by enjoying the "I Have a Dream" speech and completing a craft project meant to help them reflect on the day and the message. We invite people of all ages to use this as a Day On, Not Off and to take an hour to serve your community. Hot cocoa will be available for purchase. Cost: $20 per Bag register here:
Save the date: Trash Talk at Lachat Town Farm on February 10, 7:00pm (doors open at 6:30pm)
What goes in your bin? What stays out? Why recycle? Where do recyclables go? Can I save money? What is the fuss about food scrap recycling? Connecticut is experiencing a solid waste, recycling and food waste crisis. More waste is generated than we have the capacity to manage. What’s happening to all that waste? Where does it go? Managing waste and knowing what to recycle can be confusing. What is the state of Connecticut’s universal recycling guide. What is the state doing with regard to the food waste crisis? What happens when you put the wrong thing in your recycling bin? How does waste and recycling impact the environment? How can managing your waste save you money and how it affects your taxes?
Come to this family-friendly event, to learn where our garbage and recycling really go. Learn more about our town’s special initiatives such as food scraps recycling, redeemable bottles & cans, food rescue and backyard composting programs.
Join industry expert, Jennifer Heaton-Jones, the Executive Director of the regional governmental solid waste and recycling authority, HRRA, for a fascinating presentation followed by a panel discussion and Q & A. You’re guaranteed to learn something new.
Panelists providing updates and perspectives will include:
Larry Roberts - Weston Public Works
Andy Bill - Bottle & Cans
Alice Ely and Scott Smith – Backyard Composting
This community talk is a collaboration between Sustainable Weston Town Committee, Lachat Town Farm and the HRRA. It is the 5th in a series of community talks, “Living In the Country”, spearheaded by Sustainable Weston Town Committee. This program is being offered at no charge to the community, but due to space constraints pre-registration is required. Instructor: Jennifer Heaton-Jones Register Here:
Message from the Fire Marshal
Each year, fire and rescue crews around the country respond to fires that are caused by improper disposal of hot coals or ashes from fireplaces, wood stoves, pellet stoves, grills, or mobile fireplaces designed for use on decks or patios. The fact is, coals and ashes from fires can remain hot enough to start a fire for many days after you think the fire is out. The exact amount of time for complete extinguishment and cooling depends on many factors such as how hot the fire was, what was burning, how much unburned fuel remains, etc. To be safe, simply treat all ashes and coals as hot, even when you think they have had time enough to cool. To properly dispose of ashes or coals we recommend the following:
- If possible, allow ashes and coals to cool for several days in the area where you had the fire. These devices are designed to contain their heat safely.
- When it is time to dispose of the ashes, transfer them to a metal container and wet them down.
- Keep the metal container outside your home and away from any combustibles (away from structures, your porch, etc.) until the refuse is hauled away.
- DO NOT place any other combustibles in the metal container
- DO NOT use a combustible container.
Valley Forge Road Rehabilitation Project
This project is proposed to address heavily deteriorated pavement conditions along Valley Forge Road between Kellogg Hill Road and Bradley Hill Road. This project, with an estimated construction cost of more than $5 million, will involve full depth reconstruction of a 1.25-mile long segment of Valley Forge Road between Kellogg Hill Road and Bradley Hill Road. Minor widening will be required in areas to accommodate 10' travel lanes with 2’ shoulders in each direction. Approximately 1,200 linear feet of modular block, or similar, retaining walls are proposed within some sections of minor widening to hold back the existing steep slope along the easterly side of the road. Approximately 1,100 LF of steel cable guide rail will be replaced with new guide rail to improve safety. Driveway aprons will be repaved to match the new pavement elevation as part of this work. The project also includes storm drainage improvements including replacement of catch basins, drainage pipe and existing culverts. Bituminous concrete lip curbing will be replaced in select areas. Several drainage easements are proposed adjacent to existing end walls to provide ongoing maintenance.
The Town has received WestCOG endorsement for funding through the State’s Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program for 100% of construction costs. The Town is responsible for designing the project, including all costs associated with design. Please note this is a state funded project and timelines and milestones are coordinated with the CT DOT. This past week we had a Public Information Meeting The projected start time of this project is Fall 2025 (estimate).
Weston Dog Park Status Update
I am pleased to report that we continue to build the parking area and access way to the dog park and the Moore Property following the guidance of the Tree Warden on the removal of trees. Dead, living, and potentially dangerous trees have been removed in accordance with the Tree Warden’s Notice of Final decision on January 13, 2023. This project utilizes 7% of the entire Moore Property -- land that was purchased by the Town more than two decades ago for $2.3 million, specifically for municipal use. The dog park construction, design, and first few years of maintenance are funded with grants (ARPA, access way and parking & Greyledge plantings), gifts from private individuals through the Weston Dog Park 501c3, as well as a contribution in memory of Brian Gordon, our former second Selectman who passed away in 2018. We will keep you informed on the park’s progress.
Emergency Alerts
Please make sure that you and your family are registered to receive emergency alerts from the Weston Office of Emergency Management. Registration can be done online by visiting The Weston Public safety team will continue to expertly guide us through storms by sending out texts, emails and automated phone calls via our Everbridge system. With all the new residents in town, please make sure to mention Everbridge to your new friends, acquaintances and neighbors. Please also see this link, which provides details on how to prepare for weather events:
2024 MS4 Stormwater Annual Report Update
In accordance with the requirements of the CT DEEP General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems, residents of the Town of Weston are hereby informed that a draft pdf of the 2024 MS4 Stormwater Annual Report, which summarizes municipal stormwater compliance activities conducted within the Town of Weston during calendar year 2024, will be posted on the town website on or before February 15, 2025 for a forty-five day public review and comment period prior to the draft being finalized and submitted electronically to the CT DEEP on or before April 01, 2025. Residents are hereby encouraged to review the report and submit written comments between February 15, 2025 and March 31, 2025. All comments should be addressed to Wade Thomas, Town MS4 Consultant at [email protected].
Food Drive for Weston Food Pantry
January 25, 9:30-1:30
Weston Kiwanis is supporting the Weston Food Pantry with a Food Drive. Kiwanis is joined by the Weston High School Key Club volunteers, coordinated by Dawn Egan, at the town center, at Lily’s entrance and the Pharmacy on Jan 25, 930am to 130 pm
Radon Test Kits Available for Weston Residents
The Aspetuck Health District has free radon test kits for residents, while supplies last. Residents can pick up one radon test kit per address at the Aspetuck Health District, 180 Bayberry Lane, Westport, Monday through Friday, between 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. Residents are asked to follow the instructions when conducting the radon test and to submit results to Air Chek Inc. Results will be shared with homeowners as well as the Health District. Radon is an invisible and odorless gas that can enter homes through cracks in the basement floor or from well water. Prolonged exposure to radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. Only one in five homes has a radon problem. But the only way to know if your home is free of radon is to test it. Radon levels vary throughout Connecticut. Because you cannot see, taste, or smell radon, the only way to determine if you have a radon problem in your home is to test for it. Testing involves placing a small device in your home for at least 72 hours and then sending the device to a laboratory for results. If levels of radon are high (4 pCi/L or higher), the Connecticut DPH strongly recommends that homeowners enlist a radon mitigation professional to help lower the levels. However, radon exposure at any level poses some health risk, and according to the CT DPH, homeowners may want to consider reducing radon levels if they are greater than 2 pCi/L. Radon mitigation professionals are trained to reduce radon in homes using ventilation and depressurization systems and other techniques. As with many home repairs, the cost of radon mitigation varies. The CT DPH estimates that the service may cost $1200 to $1500. A list of radon professionals is available on the CT DPH website ( Testing kits can also be purchased at the American Lung Association website at or by calling 1-800-LUNG-USA or 1-860-289-5401 to order a testing kit. Radon test kits can also be purchased at local hardware stores. For more information about radon and radon testing, visit Radon | CDC.
Parks & Recreation
Weston Parks and Recreation would like to remind residents that the new pickleball courts at Bisceglie-Scribner park will remain open (weather permitting) for the winter, but the parking lot/courts will not be shoveled and the park will be closed after snow. Residents should not attempt to shovel the courts on their own- this will damage the brand new surface. Help us spread the word and keep our courts beautiful!
Weston Human Services
Would you like to be added to the Reassurance Program?
The Reassurance Program is a list of Weston residents who would like to be called by an employee of the Weston Social Services Dept in times of Town emergencies or inclement weather. We encourage those who live alone, don't drive, or have medical needs to register as this list is also shared with Emergency Responders in times of Town emergencies. Please email Rashida Miller, MSW at [email protected] for more information.
- Youth and Family Services
Please register for the Human Services monthly newsletter! Our goal is to provide our families and youth with resources that help promote physical and mental well-being through programming, events, referrals, and advocacy.
- Caregivers Support Group with Allison Lisbon, LCSW, MSW, Director of Human Services
Monthly meetings are held every third Tuesday, 1:30-2:30pm at the Weston Senior Center. For questions or to be added to the Caregiver Support Group email list, contact Allison Lisbon at [email protected]
- Bereavement Support Group with Rashida Miller, MSW
Monthly meetings are held every fourth Tuesday, 1:30-2 :30 pm, at the Weston Senior Center. For questions or to be added to the Bereavement Support Group email list, contact Rashida Miller at [email protected]
- Weston Senior Center
-- Click this link to visit the Senior Center website:
-- Call or email the Senior Center to register: 203-222-2608/ [email protected]
Board of Selectmen Meetings
Please feel free to attend BOS meetings where you can watch in person at the Town Hall Meeting Room or you can stream into the meetings, which are always posted on the Town website. Documents, recordings, and minutes are available at:
Volunteers Needed for Town Boards
The following appointed boards have positions available: Board of Assessment Appeals Alternate, Beautification Committee, Building Board of Appeals, Building Committee, Board of Ethics, Historic District Commission Alternate, Children & Youth Commission, Veterans Affairs Committee. The Town of Weston Board of Selectmen will conduct interviews of candidates for appointed boards, commissions and committees in private, unless the candidate requests that the interview occur in public. Through the CT Freedom of Information Act, the state legislature expressly allows the Town Board of Selectmen to hold non-public executive sessions to discuss “the appointment, employment, performance, evaluation, health or dismissal of a public officer or employee." C.G.S. § 1-200 (6)(a). Like Weston, several nearby municipalities have also implemented similar policies to protect residents interested in volunteering their service from the abuse of modern technology such as artificial intelligence, social media, and personal identity theft. Please click here for more information and/or to submit your information for consideration for a position.