
What's Happening At Christ Church Uniting - January 5, 2023

Religion and Spirituality

January 5, 2023

From: Christ Church Uniting


Sunday Worship In-Person & Online
Join us for our Worship Service! Find us this Sunday at 10am HT in person and online via FB live.

Adult Education Series: Eclipsing Empire
Beginning January 8, join us Sunday mornings at 8:30A in the ?Ohana Room. 

Eclipsing the Empire traces the Apostle Paul's journey through the Roman Empire. Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan give fresh insights into Paul's message.

Special Teller Meeting
A BIG Mahalo to those who have been assisting with teller duties. To begin the New Year well, we ask that you attend an all teller meeting on January 8 directly after the service and before the potluck. Please mark your calendar for this brief and important meeting. 

Join Us
Sunday, January 8 as we de-green the sanctuary. Please bring a potluck item to share and help is get out sanctuary back to its normal state. 

Vespers On The Lanai

Next week Friday, January 13th Vespers on the Lanai (7-8pm) will feature The Peter Apo Band playing music from the Love Generation (60's, 70's): Bob Dylan, Peter, Paul & Mary, The Kingston Trio, John Denver, The Eagles, The Byrds James Taylor and more.

Join us in person or online!

Aloha Hour
Join us every Sunday following the service for snacks and fellowship!
We are also seeking volunteers to assist in the kitchen or to consider donating cookies or other goodies for Aloha Hour. Please contact Susie Jannuzzi if you are available to assist.

Annual Congregational Meeting
Mark your calendar and plan to join us for our annual meeting.

Sunday January 29, 2023 at 11A.
Zoom link and details to come.


Support CCU

MAHALO NUI to all who continue to support CCU with monetary gifts! 

Fiscal Year 2022 is closed.
Please start making your pledges for 2023. Please be on the look out for your 2022 Giving Report by the end of January 2023.       

Please continue to mail and / or donate online
Please note that online donations charge a small percentage for processing, or you can choose to pay that percentage for the church.

Support Family Promise
You are invited to the following meeting to learn about new and existing Family Promise programs: Sat 1/21/23. More details to come!

?Ohana Dinners
Family Promise continues to help provide meals to families. Click here to sign up.

We will not be receiving offerings of flowers though the season of Advent. Please consider signing up to provide flowers for Sunday worship in the new year.

Greeters & Scripture Readers Needed

We are seeking greeters & scripture readers for Sunday morning Worship. Please use this link to sign up.

CCU Feed My Sheep Basket
Bring your non-perishable food (canned meat, boxed cereal, bags rice, canned vegetables, canned fruit, etc.) and place them in the basket at the front of the sanctuary. Your donation helps families in Kailua.

Become A Volunteer
How often have we told ourselves “someone else will handle it”? 808 Cleanups volunteers are those “someones” and we support them by providing supplies, connecting them with other volunteers and helping them organize their own cleanups.
Check this out for clean-ups around your area!


Send Your Prayer Requests
to [email protected] so we can be in prayer together as a community. These will be added to the prayer list and shared in our Monday prayer email.

To have your prayer included in the Monday prayer list, please submit your prayers before Thursday. Emails received after Thursday will will be included the following week.


Tree Trimming
Please be aware there will e professional tee trimming on the CCU campus starting:
8:30am on Saturday, January 7, 2023.

Imua Landscaping Co., Inc. will include 6 workers with large equipment focused primarily on the monkey pod tress in the parking lot. 
We ask those who must be on campus to please park along the service roundabout or near the Seagull building/playground.


Seagull Preschool
New windows are scheduled to be installed this weekend, beginning on Saturday (1/7) through Sunday (1/8) and plan to work between the hours of 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

This will not affect the already scheduled tree trimming or Sunday services.

Mahalo for your understanding!

3+ Months On Strike To Make Kaiser
Fix Its Mental Health Care System

Aloha CCU Ohana – we appreciate the prayers for Kaiser clinicians and Kaiser members.

We are in the 16th week of the strike advocating for Kaiser to hire more clinicians which will allow for provision of better mental health services for members.

Please note that there is an updated informational attached here.

Support Blue Lotus
Located on CCU campus, Blue Lotus seeks to bring yoga, health, and wellness to the community of Kailua.

Click here to learn more about Blue Lotus. Discover opportunities to practice wellness.

CCU Covid Policy
Council reviewed the CCU COVID-19 Policy on December 17, 2022 and has voted to keep the current policy: wearing a mask continues to be optional. The full policy can be read on the CCU website, here.

Did you miss it? Catch up

Community Resources
Visit our Community Resource page to view information on community resources that are available on an ongoing basis (and mentioned in previous weekly CCU emails).

CCU Has A Church App!
For those of you who use their phones as more than just a phone, CCU now has a Church App! Use this link to download, then create your user login to stay plugged in to CCU!