
WisGOP Statement on Bernie Sanders' Visit to Wisconsin

Government and Politics

October 12, 2024

MADISON, WI - If you are covering Senator Bernie Sanders’ events in Superior and Baraboo today, please consider the following statement from WisGOP Chairman Brian Schimming:

“Wisconsin Democrats are doubling down on disaster by putting socialist Senator Bernie Sanders on tour. Sanders is the living embodiment of every failed, extreme policy that Democrats have produced over the last four years.

“While commuters in Wisconsin continue to pay more than $3 for a gallon of gasoline, it was Sanders who opposed the Keystone Pipeline and pushed a nationwide ban on fracking. Rather than pursue common sense solutions to the border crisis, Sanders has called to scrap both Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. And while inflation was skyrocketing in 2021, Sanders spearheaded the Biden-Harris administration’s $3.5 trillion spending plan that would have poured gasoline on an already raging fire. Only Kamala Harris can boast a more extreme voting record in the U.S. Senate.

“Therefore, on behalf of all Republicans, I thank the Wisconsin Democrats for bringing the poster boy of bad policies to our state. His presence highlights the Biden-Harris administration’s abysmal record of high inflation, open borders, and left-wing negligence.” —WisGOP Chairman Brian Schimming


- Bernie Sanders has consistently opposed the Keystone Pipeline, a project that the Biden-Harris administration killed on its first day in office. In 2019, Bernie Sanders also proposed a nationwide ban on fracking-a policy Kamala Harris supported before flip-flopping her position this year.

- Even as inflation was rising in 2021, up to 4.7% from 1.2% the year prior, Sanders used his position as Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee to aggressively push the $3.5 trillion “Build Back Better” plan.

- Bernie Sanders not only called for abolishing Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) but also pushed to scrap Customs and Border Protection (CBP) as well.

- At the start of the Biden-Harris administration, the cost of gasoline in Wisconsin was $1.496 per gallon. Since then, the price has doubled to $3.079 per gallon (as of 10/11/24).