To ensure that all children reach their potential...
We believe all children can and will learn in an effective school environment.
We will maintain high expectations and promote academic excellence for all students.
We will create and support a school culture in which all children feel welcomed, respected, valued, trusted, motivated, and an important part of the school.
We will provide a safe, nurturing environment and work with children to help them develop reliable study habits for academic success and as life-long learners.
We will highlight the importance of social skills and moral values and provide guidance for their application in real life situations.
We will generate an environment where we can learn together and assist each other in all situations, at all times.
We will encourage a positive school climate of a caring community which respects and values diversity and nurtures everyone's self esteem.
We will prepare students to become active participants in our democratic and pluralistic society.
We will foster the Armenian identity of students through the Armenian curriculum.