You are invited to join us for worship at 31 Hayward Street in Franklin, on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM. For more information about the church, educational opportunities and ministries, please visit our website
Are you looking for information about the Christian faith, an opportunity to learn more about God or to worship God with others who seek to be faithful to Him? If so, we invite you to visit us at The Anglican Church of the Redeemer. Come explore what it means to experience the peace and hope that's available through a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, even in the midst of a confusing world.
The Church of the Redeemer is a community of faith that finds its unity in Jesus and its power in the Holy Spirit. We seek to be faithful to the historic Christian faith as understood through Holy Scripture and experienced through the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. We're committed to working with our bishop and other leaders throughout the United States and Canada in the establishment of The Anglican Church in North America. This new church will unite 700 orthodox Anglican congregations, representing roughly 100,000 people that will be recognized as a province - the Anglican term for the church's largest regional jurisdiction - by many of the world's Anglican leaders. We are part of the Anglican Communion that consists of over 77 million Christians around the world.
You may also write to us at The Anglican Church of the Redeemer, P.O. Box 354, Franklin, MA 02038 or call the church at 508-346-3423.