We believe in God, the Father, the Almighty, the Creator of the heavens and the earth.
We believe in the eternal deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His substitutionary death on Calvary for our sins, in His triumphant bodily resurrection from the grave, in His exaltation as Lord of all, and in His indwelling victorious life within His Body, the Church.
We believe in the present indwelling and filling of the Holy Spirit in the lives of all those converted to Christ. The Holy Spirit's workings in the life of believers is the source of all holiness and grace, the wellspring of all gifts and ministry, and the means by which the Father is renewing the Body of Christ in all the earth.
We believe that mankind was created by God as free moral agents. God has invested in every person just one precious life. Each person will personally stand before God to give an account of their life on earth. God alone will pass eternal judgment on each person.
We believe that all people are eternally separated from God by sin and can never gain eternity in heaven through their best human efforts.
We believe that salvation is the gift of God, by His grace, through faith in Jesus Christ; that atonement for sin was made by the shed blood of Jesus and that we are regenerated by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the true Church is composed of all those who have been born again through Jesus Christ.
We believe the Bible to be the divinely inspired and infallible Word of God to all mankind, the rule (canon) of all our faith and moral conduct.
We believe in carrying out the Great Commission of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ to evangelize the lost, make disciples unto Christ, and to lift the burden from the poor, the afflicted, and the needy.
We believe in the personal return of Jesus Christ to earth for His bride, the Church. Upon His return all those who have died in Christ will be resurrected from the dead. Those believers alive at Christ's return will join those resurrected from the dead to live with Christ forevermore in His eternal kingdom! Amen.