The Blackstone-Millville Regional School District was established in 1967 to serve the needs of students from the towns of Blackstone and Millville.
The District consists of one elementary school in Millville, two elementary schools in Blackstone, one Middle School and one High School.
In recent years, the Blackstone-Millville Regional School District has constructed two new elementary schools as well as rehabilitated the John F. Kennedy School. The District also opened the new Frederick W. Hartnett Middle School in August of 2003.
Members of the Blackstone-Millville Regional District School Committee are elected at large from the two member communities. Each of the eight members, four from each community, serves a four-year term. Two members stand for election each April.
The Blackstone-Millville Regional School District has a pre-school through twelve enrollment of 2,291 students and a FY04 budget of $17.6 million.