About Us:
Booneville church of Christ is dedicated to restoring the love, faith and practice of New Testament Christianity. We understand that our time and resources here are to be spent serving our fellow man to the glory of God. We continually strive to spread the Gospel through such efforts as world-wide mission work, youth ministries, elder care, audio tape ministries, community services, and a rock-solid scriptural message. Our congregation has recently reached 100 years of age, but we recognize that we are just a small part of the 2,000-year old church, founded by our Lord as stated in Matthew 16:15-19, and we strive to worship in accordance with God's divine plan as set forth in the New Testament. We believe that everyone is valuable in God's sight, because we all have a soul that will live eternally somewhere. Therefore, we continually strive to teach and preach the sincere, simple truth of the Gospel message. We invite you to come worship with us as we grow toward our common goal of an eternity in Heaven.