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Bowden Church Of Christ

816 East College Street


The Bowdon Church of Christ is located at 816 East College Street, Bowdon, GA. The church has been meeting at the present location since 1993. The congregation began meeting in the library at the high school in the fall of 1956 with eight members. The first church building was erected at 119 Sue Avenue in 1958.We believe in God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. We believe in the Virgin Birth of Jesus and we believe the Bible is the inspired word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16,17).

You will find our worship to be simple. What is practiced in our worship to God is what you find the church in the New testament doing. Each first day of the week the congregation of the Lord's people at Bowdon come together to sing. We have been accused of not having music in our worship service, but this is hardly the case. You see, there are different kinds of music, instrumental and vocal. Instrumental music is made by playing mechanical instruments such as, pianos, organs, guitars, etc., vocal music is singing. The Bible commands the church to sing “Speaking” (Ephesians 5:19) and also Paul said, “Let” (Colossians 1:16) but nowhere in the New Testament is authority for playing mechanical instruments in worship. The church of Christ at Bowdon subscribes solely to the teaching of the New Testament. We teach and believe that the Lord built one church (Matthew 16:18) and that immersed believers are added to the church (Acts 2:47) and are to assemble on the first day of the week to partake of the Lord's Super (Acts 20:7).

The church at Bowdon has been involved with the Latin American Missions since 2001. Some of our members have been on Campaigns to Latin America and we have supported others to participate in these campaigns.
We support Roger Leonard, a missionary to Latin America on a monthly basis. The work is overseen by the eldership of the Forrest Park congregation in Valdosta, GA.