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Bucks Central Church

165 Township Road

The mission of Bucks Central grows out of this central affirmation. Our purpose is to build a community of Christian believers who gather to praise God, be transformed by the gospel, demonstrate love for one another, and reach out to Bucks County and the world with acts of mercy and the good news of Jesus Christ.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is at the heart of everything we do at Bucks Central.

We believe that the gospel is powerful and effective both to draw those who seek God into the fellowship of his people and to deepen them in the knowledge and love of his will and way. In affirming the gospel, we affirm our reliance upon God's grace, our faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior, and our commitment to live in accord with the principles of God's kingdom.

What is the gospel? It is the announcement (literally, the "good news") that Jesus is the living fulfillment of God's promises to humanity through all the ages. In him inhere all the blessings of God, and it is through him that those blessings flow to us and to all. The gospel is the announcement for all the world that Jesus is Lord and Savior.

He is Savior in that he came into the world to redeem his people, giving his life on their behalf, in order that all who receive him and believe in his name will be brought into a condition of life's fullest blessing, which is the experience of everlasting peace (shalom) in the immediate presence of God.

He is Lord in that through his life and work the kingdom of God is being brought to bear in our midst; and that by means of his Spirit working powerfully in and through and among us, we - even flawed and fallible vessels like us - are being made participants and fellow-laborers in the great work by which God is drawing the world up and out of its manifold miseries and restoring it to a condition of wholeness, wellness, justice, and life - in short, to an estate of salvation, to shalom.