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About the Jaycees
Who are the Jaycees?
The Jaycees (or Junior Chamber of Commerce) is a group of young men and women that join together to improve their lives and their communities. Our goal is to provide leadership training through community service. The Individual Development area sets the Junior Chamber apart from other organizations. While many other groups offer community service and social activities, only Junior Chamber chapters offer members the opportunity for self-improvement. By chairing a local project, a young person can practice organization, delegation, time and resource management, public relations and motivational skills. The Jaycees also offer training programs, usually at no cost to the member, that teach these skills. Even if a project does not meet its goals, if the chairperson learned from the experience, then it's not a failure.
The Junior Chamber of Commerce organization starts with the local chapter. This chapter will typically serve one or more communities. Chapter members are automatically a member of a state organization, as well as the National organization (U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce) and the International organization (Junior Chamber International). Young people all over the world are engaged in Junior Chamber activities. Opportunities for international training and travel are available to members. The Missouri Jaycees are divided up into 8 Regions, and each region is divided up into districts. Local chapters are grouped into districts of about 4-5 chapters. At each level there are officers that oversee the day-to-day functioning of the organization.