SBC BAPTISTS” is an acrostic tool we use to summarize our beliefs which mandate our vision and mission and values.
s alvation - Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
B iblical - The Bible is divinely inspired and is our authority for life.
C hurch - The Church is a local, baptized, redeemed body entrusted with the Gospel.
B aptism - Believer’s Baptism by immersion is an act of obedience and covenant.
A utonomy - Autonomy of the Local Church allows cooperation. (We support the Cooperative Program)
P riesthood - Priesthood of the believer grants direct access to God.
T rinity - The Bible teaches the Trinity view of God which represents Him as three-in-one.
I ndividual Freedom - Individual Soul Freedom requires Evangelism and Missions.
S ecurity - Security of the Believer is ours through the Holy Spirit.
T rust - Trust in Jesus as Lord, leaders as His servants, and each other as members of the body.
S eparation - Separation of State and Church protects religious liberty.