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Christ Church Of Positive Living

1353 North Courtenay Parkway - Suite U

We are a New Thought Metaphysical Church whose members learn how to develop the Christ Consciousness within ourselves. Our philosophy is based on man's oneness with God. By becoming aware of his Divinity, each individual can produce a new way of living by changing his thinking and incorporating the power of the Universe in a constructive way.

Students practice the principles of SCIENCE OF MIND, we study the teachings of Ernest Holmes, Emma Curtis Hopkins and Thomas Troward to name a few. The Science of the Mind teachings are based on the examples and teachings of Jesus. We believe the Christ Spirit is present within all people and can be developed within each individual.

The church was established as a teaching center to assist individuals to learn their true identity and to develop the Christ Consciousness as Jesus knew it. We believe that through the daily use of prayer and meditation, we become more attune to our God nature.

These principals teach us that God is all Love and all Good. God does not punish. God's Universe is only Good, but by our misuse of Good we can appear to bring evil to ourselves. Since there is only One Power in the Universe, it depends upon our use of it whether the results will be positive or negative. That is why it is so important that we make good use of our ability to make correct choices.

Right thinking leads to right choices, and right choices brings happiness. We learn meditation techniques that opens a channel of communication with GOD and spirit. We learn to recognize divine guidance using our natural intuitive abilities. And we learn by using the Christ Consciousness within each of us, how to live contently with ourselves and the others in our world.
