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Christine Kenneally Mosaics

150 Pleasant Street

I first discovered mosaics through the work of Antoni Gaudi while on a trip to Barcelona in 2000.  I was in awe as my eyes and brain worked together to unite all of the small pieces contained in a mosaic, called tesserae, to become a unified design or pattern. I have always loved finding materials in unexpected places and giving discarded objects (broken china, chipped tiles, scraps of stained glass) a second life.  I cut all of my materials by hand, using nippers, into the shapes that I want, highlighting different textures, reflectivity and dimensionality, and I lay them in patterns. Different patterns and shapes become the different "languages" in my work that describe the various subjects or parts.  When there is a flow then I know I have succeeded. Most of my work is about my relationship with nature. I have experienced a lot of healing, both physical and spiritual, through plant medicine and spending time in nature.

Teaching mosaics is a way for me to constantly see this process through new eyes. Learning from the people who I teach is inspiring, and pushes me to try new things. There are as many ways to make a mosaic as there are mosaic artists. Sharing this skill and watching people create work that they are proud of is a thrill for me. I thrive on this.
