The faculty, administration, and support staff of Christopher Columbus School strives to provide every child with a comprehensive education, a chance to socially and emotionally mature, and the environment in which to develop a sense of self-worth and self-confidence. It is our goal that each day a child attends Columbus, he or she leaves a better person.
As an Abbott District, our school has the opportunity to implement a whole school reform model. We have chosen the Co-Nect Program. We feel the use of this program will enable us to more completely serve the needs of each child. In addition to the academic instruction offered in every class, various programs and opportunities are presented to the students throughout the year. These programs cover topics in the following areas: curriculum enhancement, social awareness, current events, multicultural awareness and appreciation, school pride, self-esteem, personal knowledge, community involvement, and cultural experiences. It is our sincere hope that all these activities help each student become a well-rounded, responsible, aware individual.
Our school continues to update the technology program. Presently, we have a brand new computer lab, which has 28 computers that are Internet accessible. Our goal is to have at least four computers in each classroom. We believe it is important to equip our students with technological tools and resources in order to help them learn and achieve both now and in the future. As a staff, we want to prepare our students to live, work, and compete in a technological world.
Our school community also benefits from special programs and projects during the year. These activities are presented in order to educate, expand and enhance district curriculum, entertain, motivate, and recognize student achievement. This achievement is noted and rewarded at Award Assemblies held at the end of each marking period. Special dress days are held frequently to promote school unity and pride. Our goal is to create an atmosphere of community and enthusiasm.
Our school is fortunate to have a highly motivated Home and School Association (HSA). Many of the fine activities in our school are made possible by our HSA. We, as a school, encourage parent involvement, and believe that parents play an important part in their child's education. As a special needs district, and as part of the Co-Nect program, Columbus has established a school management team (SMT). The function of this team, comprised of parents and staff members, is to assist in the development and implementation of the whole school reform plan. It is also responsible for ensuring curriculum assignment with the core curriculum contents standards, for reviewing statewide assessment results in order to improve students' achievement, for developing a school-level educational technology plan and approving a school based budget.