Monitoring of compliance of the City's cable television franchise
Resolution cable television subscriber complaints
Negotiation of cable and telecommunications franchise agreements
Oversight of regulation of all cable and telecommunications franchises
Review of regulation of communications towers
Monitoring of franchise fee and other payments from cable/telecommunications providers
Operation of the City's videoconferencing facilities
Operation of the Apollo Media Center
Operation of the City's Public, Education and Government Access TV Channels:
"Community Billboard"
"The Education Channel" (Time Warner Channel 19)
"Public Access" (Time Warner Channel 20)
"Think Bright" (Time Warner Channel 21)
The Government Channel" (Time Warner Channel 22)
Identification and examination of potential opportunities in the purchase of natural gas, electricity and telecommunications services for the City to reduce its costs, increase revenues and protect and enhance the quality of the environment
Advisement of City officials on cable, telecommunications and utility issues and forwarding of recommendations for legislative initiatives