The purpose of Community Evangelical Free Church is to Glorify God by making disciples who, gripped by God's grace and truth, spend themselves.Exalting God,Edifying One Another and Extending the gospel of grace to the whole world.
Community Evangelical Free Church began in the 1970's as an apartment Bible study, and has since grown into a local church family of about 400 members and attendees. Our handful of early founders was driven by a vision to start a type of church that seemed to be missing in this area: a fellowship of believers committed to both an unswerving teaching and upholding of the inerrancy of Scripture, and a Christianity free of constraint from cultural legalism. What birthed us then continues to drive us today: the conviction that we are called to love God with both our heads and our hearts. We hold fast to the Bible as God's revealed authority for faith and life. We also balance serious attention to theology with a commitment to unity in the essentials, liberty in the non-essentials, and love in all things.