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Concert Sundaes

The Concert Sundaes committee began as a group of Souderton Area residents who met informally over breakfast to discuss ways to utilize the Maurice W. Foulke bandshell for the benefit of the community. The Centennial Celebration of 1987 had generated a strong interest in arts events, the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club had helped build the beautiful bandshell designed by David Zayas, and the Souderton Borough Recreation Board had just purchased a public address system for the park. The time seemed ripe for an annual entertainment series.

The committee was soon adopted by the Souderton Area Community Education Council which provided the committee with much assistance during its first four years. This season marks the 26th one with Concert Sundaes now a part of the Indian Valley Arts Foundation, a nonprofit corporation. Together with Community Arts Initiative and Montgomery County Poet Laureate Program, Concert Sundaes makes up a year-round program of arts education and enrichment for Indian Valley residents of all ages.