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Cross Of Christ Lutheran Church

24155 Griswold Road

Our Mission:
Our mission is to worship, to learn, to witness, to serve God and make disciples for Jesus by encouraging people to recognize, develop and actively share their time, talents and treasures. All this, we do to the glory of God and the good of our congregation and community.

About Us:

We are members of a denomination, the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, that has as its logo - the cross. We strive to "lift high the cross" and proclaim Christ crucified and risen in all that we teach and do at Cross of Christ.

Founded in 1973, we are a church together to worship the true, Triune God. When we gather for worship, God graciously serves us with His word, sacraments, and the forgiveness of sins. Together as God's family we love one another. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. We speak, listen, laugh, cry, pray, sing and study together. We encourage and build one another up. We befriend, comfort and help one another.

We are the Church to teach, learn, and grow together in Christ. We teach God's Word to one another through sermons, Bible reading and study, and Sunday School and Preschool classes, growing together as disciples of Jesus.

We are the Church together to serve God. We use the time, talents and treasures God has entrusted us to serve Him and benefit others. Members of Cross of Christ serve God and His people as teachers, helpers, greeters, ushers, acolytes, altar workers, nursery workers, youth counselors, officers, committee members, and choir members.

We are the Church together to live to the glory of God and the good of our congregation, community, and world. Together we joyfully await the glorious second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the resurrection of our bodies, and eternal life in heaven.

God has truly blessed us with a faithful, gifted and loving group of disciples at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church.
