Danielson Main Street, Inc. is a strong membership of small business people working to overcome the obstacles many small businesses face by working together as a group. The group organized to promote development through advertising, activities and events. The Danielson area offers one of the last opportunities to shop on an old-fashioned Main Street. While our Main Street now extends to Dayville, Westcott Road, Route 6 and Route 12, we all offer the things that people expect from a local shopping experience and promote shopping locally. Everyone Benefits!
3 Good Reasons why it pays to shop locally: 1. Think about all the school activities and fund-raising events during the year. Local businesses throughout our area contribute thousands of dollars in money, services and merchandise to help make them successful. 2. When you spend money with local shops and businesses, you help those businesses grow and prosper. Successful businesses stay around for a long time and help share the tax load for government services. 3. When you shop locally, you help yourself and all of us! Keep your dollars close to home - shop locally for goods and services. It Pays to Shop Locally!