Hospice Care is a holistic approach of caring for patients and families when an illness no longer responds to cure oriented treatment or the patient disease has progressed to end stage prognosis.
Hospice Care is also known as "Palliative care" or comfort care which is focused on comfort, and pain management.
The Hospice Care team will focus on the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of the patient as well as supporting services for the family.
How does Doctors Hospice care for our patients?
We provide hospice care to you in your home, inpatient care in ospitals, and inpatient respite care for a limited time to provide relief for the primary caregiver.
We have a team of experienced and specially trained professionals whose focus is to support you and your family both physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
We consult with your physician and use our trained professional staff to manage any pain symptoms you may experience.
We include your family and whomever you have chosen to be involved in your care and support them through your hospice care.
We are just a phone call away
24 hours a day 7 days a week.
How is Hospice paid for?
Medicare and Medicaid provide 100% Hospice coverage and is also covered by most Private Insurances