What We Believe
There are many Bible churches in America. Most of these churches are independent from larger denominations. Elmwood Park Bible Church is a mainstream evangelical church. We are people from all walks of life: homemakers, business persons, students, tradesmen, teachers, union members, singles, couples, divorcees, senior citizens and youth.
We want to know God in a way that affects our daily lives. We want God to be real to us, to change our lives for the better. We look to God for hope and strength to get through each new day. We like a variety of church music-great old hymns as well as modern music to praise God. We want our children to know about Christianity and church.
The Bible is God's perfect Word. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit from the one, Triune God.
Our Lord Jesus Christ was fully human and fully divine. He was born of the Virgin Mary, died, and rose from the grave. Forgiveness of sin and new life are available through the death and shed blood of Christ to all who accept God's grace by simple faith.
Every person has an eternal soul and will spend eternity with or without God's presence.
God's power and direction are available for everyday life as we rely on His Word and His Spirit.
All Churches and denominations who hold these simple truths are our partners in fulfilling Christ's Great Commission.