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412 South Hawthorne Avenue
Statement of Faith
The Statement of Faith does not exhaust the extent of our faith. The Bible itself (Authorized 1611 King James Version) is the sole and final source of all that we believe. We do believe, however, that the foregoing Statement of Faith accurately represents the teaching of the Bible, and therefore, is binding upon all members.
Preamble.....We, being born again and Bible-believing Baptists, relying wholly on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, on the Holy Spirit's enabling, and the Holy Scriptures for our guidance; and in the interests of growth in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ; and that we might fulfill our responsibilities to propagate the Word of God; and to contend earnestly for the faith; so that all things may be done decently and in order in accordance with the accepted tenets of other churches of like precious faith, and that we may more readily help each other in our Christian service, declare and establish this constitution, to which we voluntarily submit ourselves.
Statement of Position.....We declare ourselves to be old-fashioned, New Testament Baptists and oppose Interdenominationalism, New Evangelicalism, and the modern Charismatic movement. We stand for the "faith once delivered unto the saints." We declare ourselves to be an independent, autonomous Baptist Church. We, the members of Empire Baptist Temple, use the Holy Scriptures; the Bible translated into the English language from the Masoretic Old Testament and Textus Receptus New Testament (the Authorized Version 1611 Translation commonly called the King James Version) for our sole rule of faith and practice, and exhort all others to do likewise. We will preach and teach the "whole counsel" of God's Word with definite intent on winning lost souls to a saving knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We will baptize those who receive Christ as personal Saviour. We will then teach them to "observe all things whatsoever" the Lord has commanded us; and when the Holy Spirit calls, we will separate and send others forth into the world to proclaim the same Gospel and carry out the same great commission work in its entirety with the anticipated goal of establishing New Testament Baptist Churches.