About Us :
Enon Baptist Church is an independent congregation affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention and the Illinois Baptist State Association. The Church was founded February 2, 1868, and has a rich history of serving Coles County with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We are a family of believers that exists to bring glory to God by the proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ to the world and by promotion of the growth of believers into maturity in Christ. We desire to be a shelter of hope from which Christ's love radiates into every life darkened by sin in our community and around the world, gladly accepting our role as God's ambassadors on earth.
With a ministry of worship and the uncompromising preaching of the Word of God, we seek to encourage and equip believers of all ages to be fully committed followers of Christ. We invite you to join us each week for this time of worship and preaching from God's Word.