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Faith Luthern Church

123 Park Lane

It's a process and it's people - working together to develop a vision for the future of Faith Lutheran Church in Moorpark, to translate that vision into plans and then move those plans into reality.

As such F.A.R.T.H.E.R. will guide all our ministries and activities, and will become the filter though which all our goals and actions will be evaluated and justified. F.A.R.T.H.E.R. will also play an important role as we call a new Pastor to lead us in achieving the vision God has given us.

What does F.A.R.T.H.E.R. stand for?
F- Faithful to the Word of God
A- Aware of where we've been
R- Ready to go where we're led
T- Thankful for all good things
H- Hearts full of love for all
E- Enthusiastic in mission
R- Refreshed every day by grace

FAITH'S Core Values
Independence: Our teaching will always conform to the truth of God revealed in the Gospel and our practice will be guided by the openness and freedom of God's grace before our commitment to the limitations of tradition and man made rules.

Compassion: Because Christ sacrificed himself for us, we act with genuine care and love as we serve those experiencing spiritual or physical difficulties in their lives.

Outreach: We will go and search for those alone and separated from Christ carrying His message of salvation to all people.

Nurture: We accept people wherever they are in their spiritual journey, help them grow toward spiritual maturity, and equip them for active ministry.

Fellowship: We sense the Holy Spirit at work binding us to each other in profound personal and spiritual relationships.

Biblical Purpose Statement
Faith Lutheran Church responding to God's grace and guided by His Word, acts with genuine care as we search for those who are separated from Christ, carrying His message of salvation and binding all together so that all may grow toward spiritual maturity.

Recent News

Ninety-Nine Years

In 2023 we celebrate the birthdays of Richard Jenkins and Marty Thomas who both turned ninety-nine this year. A marvelous journey this has been for both of them as they have experienced so much since 1924. Just to name a few, they were born during…

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For You

Growing up with the expectation of becoming a lawyer, Luther decided to become a monk. During the time of Luther, many were concerned with their relationship with God. In order to be right with God, many believed that monasticism would offer the…

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Back to School

While teachers prepare curriculum and students attend orientation and gather school supplies, it is always a reminder that after a restful summer, it is time to go back to school. As we were at back to school night, the teachers gave us an overview…

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July & August 2023 Newsletter

Check out the summer July & August 2023 Newsletter. ?? Pastor Jeong The full newsletter can be found here: Read more at Faith Luthern…

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Back to the Bible

To my surprise, I received a devotional book in the mail entitled, “Take Courage: encouraging words for discouraging times” by LCMS president, Matthew Harrison. As I was reading through it, this chapter caught my eye. “Can we be sure of Christ,…

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The Future

“Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said, Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven...”…

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Passing On To The Next Generation

An excerpt from the Mission of Higher make the Gifts of Christ Jesus known to youth and young adults. Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, was crucified for your sins and raised for your forgiveness, and the forgiveness, life, and…

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The Best Place

During my time in college, I used to work out almost every day. I made it point to set aside time for a heavy dose of cardio and weights. As I was in this flow of daily workouts, I knew something was missing if I ever was to miss a day. My body…

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The Gifts

"To impress the point, I asked, how many of you are grandparents? The entire room raised their hands. Okay, what would you say if I told you not to give gifts to your grandchildren? Their first Christmas: no gifts. Their first birthday: no…

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