About Us:
You might be asking, “Why does the church exist?” and “What did God design it to do?” The Bible makes it very clear that Christ loves the church (Eph. 5:25), and that God wants His children to meet together (Heb 10:24-25). Even though there are many types of local churches, they are all united in Christ (1 Cor 12:20); the church is here to serve others and help people become mature Christians (Eph 4:12-14).
In January of 1980, four families began meeting together every day for six weeks to seek God’s guidance and direction in starting a new church in the Winchester area. Soon those four families became eight, and Fellowship Bible Church was born. FBC began meeting in a restaurant and then moved to Apple Pie Ridge Elementary School. In 1984, FBC moved to our Middle Road location.
Our ministry goals and strategies are helping us keep up with the spiritual needs of those who attend. As God enables, we want to see FBC continually grow into a church where disciples are developed and placed into service. With ministry opportunities for all age groups, as well as involvement in many outreach ministries, God is using Fellowship Bible Church to impact the Winchester/Frederick County community and to touch many lives around the world.
Out of a desire to glorify God as a spiritual community, the mission of Fellowship Bible Church is to prepare and deploy dependent disciples of Jesus Christ who change their world for Him as they are being changed by Him.
Making disciples is what Jesus has called us to do. That calling involves bringing people to faith in Christ and equipping them for service—thus “to prepare” disciples. Jesus has also sent us into this world to be a witness. Therefore, we also desire “to deploy” disciples—deploy them in their homes, neighborhoods, communities and around the world. However, we do not want to prepare and deploy disciples who enter into this holy calling in their own strength and power. It is “dependent” disciples that we trust will be raised up through the ministries of Fellowship Bible Church. When dependent disciples are prepared and deployed, change will take place in people's lives.