About us:
Come and join the excitement of letting your life be guided by the power of the Holy Spirit. Come and find an Education Ministry opportunity so that God can work through you each day.
Be a part of what God created you to be and what Jesus calls you to be....... a child of the Kingdom of God!
Purpose: "Why?"
The Christian Education program provides opportunities for all members of our church family to develop a closer relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ through fellowship, study and training.
Goal: "What?"
The goal of our Christian Education program is to create a safe and loving environment within which children and adults can learn about the Bible, the love and teachings of Jesus, and how to relate them to our daily lives.
Objective: "How?"
We strive to reach all of our church members. A variety of class levels are provided for children to attend on a weekly basis. Adults can choose from several types of weekly fellowship and study groups. Childcare is available for infants and toddlers during the worship hour. A Second Hour program is offered for children ages 3 through grade 3*. Children from grade 4 and up and all adults are invited to attend worship as a chruch family.