The members of First Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) of Johnstown, believe that we are called to be the people who embody the love of God in Jesus Christ thereby becoming covenant people in who Christ again lives. We will work especially hard to provide programs for youth, educational and informational programs for the community (i.e. Parenting, aging parents, family issues, Habitat for Humanity, the Food Pantry, Hospice)and tending to people with special needs through in-home visitations and providing spiritual care in area nursing homes. We will plan and celebrate a Spirit filled, prayerful worship service each Sunday and we will provide Christian education for children and adults. We care about the convectional church and we will participate in Presbytery, Synod, General Assembly governance through prayers, financial resources, and serving as delegates and commissioners. We will participate in local ecumenical programs (i.e. Johnstown Council of Churches) and support global church reconciliation through the World Council of Churches.