Vision Statement
At First Presbyterian Church of Wheaton, we are called to be the body of Christ striving to:
• Celebrate God’s grace and love
• Be transformed by Christ’s love
• Extend the love of the Holy Spirit to all
Mission Statement:
The mission to fulfill our vision is to:
Celebrate God’s grace and love through
- Word and fellowship
- Bible study and proclaiming the Gospel
- Worship, rich in variety and based on our reformed tradition
- Caring, loving relationships with all those we touch
Grow in Christ’s love by
- Living transformed and joyful lives
- Nurturing those in need
- Becoming disciples of Christ
- Becoming ministers for Christ
- Enriching our faith through Christian Education
- Fostering Christian relationships
Extend the Holy Spirit’s love to all by
- Sharing our faith with others
- Witnessing the Gospel in word and action
- Passing our faith to our children
- Reaching out to each other, our community, and our world
- Promoting unity and peace throughout God’s world.