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First United Methodist Church of Poplarville

202 West Church Street

Growing Opportunities      

We have several opportunities for prayer, action, learning, and sharing.

Small Discipling Groups

CONTACT: This is a PALS small group that is so new that it is still under development.  It meets at the home of Ruth Watson every Monday morning at 9:30.  This group spends time in prayer, learning, sharing, and have an action ministry of using various methods of contacting various people who are in need for various reasons.

Men's Prayer Breakfast: This is a small group for men that meets in the fellowship hall of our church every Thursday morning for prayer, sharing, and learning. They meet at 7 a.m.

Traditional Sunday School

We also have several traditional Sunday School formats for you to learn and grow. All of our traditional Sunday School classes meet at 9:45 every Sunday morning.

Children's Sunday School: Our children's classes meet in the educational wing of our church building.  These classes are broken up according to school grade levels and mirror the exact break-up of our public school system; 3rd-5th grade, K-2nd, Pre-K and below, and a nursery.  These classes use materials from the United Methodist publishing house - Cokesbury.

Youth Sunday School: Our youth classes meet in the educational wing of our church building also. These classes are divided according to school grade levels and mirror the division of our public school system; 6th-8th grade and 9th-12th grade.  These classes use materials from the United Methodist publishing house - Cokesbury.

Quest: The Quest class meets in the educational wing of our facility.  It is a young to middle age adult class.

Seekers: Seekers is a broad adult age group that meets in the seekers classroom in the fellowship hall.

Agape: Agape is an older adult age group that meets in the Agape classroom in the fellowship hall.  They use Cokesbury study material and have several different teachers who lead the class.

Music/Choir Small Groups

We have several opportunities for those who would like to participate musically.  These groups meet primarily on Wednesday evenings at various times.  Our Music Directore leads each of these groups.

Traditional Choir: This choir meets on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. They are our Sunday morning worship choir.  Various music and pieces are used by this choir.

Praise Band: This band meets on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. They perform at various times throughout the month.  The band is contemporary in nature.

Bluegrass Band: This band meets on Wednesdays at 7:20 p.m. They perform at various times throughout the month.  Bluegrass is their specialty, complete with violin, upright bass, banjo's, and a number of other instruments.

Guitar Ensemble: This is primarily a learning band. Our director teaches students how to learn to play the guitar.  As their skills improve and various pieces are learned, they lead our congregation is praise while playing their guitars.  The age of this ensemble ranges from 5 years old to 70+.  They meet on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m.

Flutes/Recorders: This is primarily a children's/youth program designed to teach children/youth how to play the recorder and the flute.  They perform in worship on various occasions.

Children's Choir: This choir meets on Monday's right after school. We provide transportation from the Lower Elementary and Upper Elementary Schools of Poplarville.  They perform in worship on various occasions.  As the new school year has just begun, this choir is not currently meeting.  Please stay tuned for start dates and times.  Transportation must be coordinated through the church office (601-794-4519) and the school the student attends.

Monthly Small Groups

These groups meet on a monthly basis.  They have various functions and ministries.  Please contact the church office (601-795-4519) for information on specific meeting locations and times.

United Methodist Women: We currently have three different United Methodist Women's groups. They are for women of all ages. They meet on a monthly basis at various locations and times for prayer, missions, learning, and sharing. They are a branch of the denominational United Methodist Women.

Men and Boys: This group meets the third Sunday morning of every month at 7 a.m. in the church fellowship hall. They meet to enjoy breakfast together, devotion, and support various missions and ministries of the church.  Often times they go by the name, Men and Boys Breakfast Club.

An Emerging Ministry: A new group of Radio Control (RC) and Line Control Flyers is starting. Meeting the second Tuesday of each month in the Youth building at 6 PM, we share in fellowship and discuss flying. This is open to those who currently fly, are interested in flying or would just like to watch.