Foothill College envisions itself as a community of scholars where a diverse population of students, faculty and staff intersect and are engaged in the search for truth and meaning. We recognize that by necessity this search must be informed by a multiplicity of disciplinary modes of inquiry. In order to ensure that every student has the opportunity to share in this vision, Foothill College commits itself to providing students with the necessary student support services, outstanding instruction, and opportunities for leadership both within and outside the classroom. By enacting this vision, the college ensures that it remains the distinctive and innovative institution it has been since its inception.
Honesty, Integrity, Trust, Openness, Transparency, Forgiveness, Sustainability.
To provide access to educational opportunity for all with innovation and distinction.
A well-educated population being essential to sustaining and enhancing a democratic society, Foothill College commits itself to providing access to outstanding educational opportunities for all of our students. Whether through basic skills, career preparation, lifelong learning, or transfer, the members of the Foothill College community are dedicated to the achievement of learning and to the success of our students. We affirm that our unwavering dedication to this mission is critical to the prosperity of our community, our state, our nation, and the global community to which all people are members.