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Friendship Church Of Christ

3250 Pleasant Hill Road

Our Mission


We believe that the church should be the twenty-first century incarnation of Jesus Christ. Our first goal is to be the hands, feet, heart, voice and personality of Jesus. It is more important to be His body that to live up to percieved characteristics of an institution. Jesus said that He came to "give his life a ransom for many" and "seek and save the lost." Being lost takes many forms and we endeavor to be an effective fellowship in ministering to broken lives and being God's instruments for redemption and reconciliation.


Since Jesus' whole life was a dying to self, we of the Friendship Church must learn to lay our lives on the altar of service. The wholeness and well being of those who need Jesus must take precedence over any or all of our personal desires. We want to have the "mind of Christ" so beautifully described in Phillipians 2. To meet this goal it is imperative that we live cross-shaped lives every day.

Biblical emphasis

We believe not only that the Bible is the inspired word of God but also that the picture of the church given in the new Testament is a better model for what God wants His church to be than any composite of human desires. The church should be made in the image of Christ, not the image of post-modern culture and political-correctness. We believe the Bible to be fully sufficient as a guide for all aspects of church life and the Christian's personal life.
