The Methodist Church in Fulton is about as old as the town. Fifty acres of land was deeded for the town in 1837. For a few years the town of Fulton was a part of “Bull Mountain Mission” of the Alabama Conference. In 1840, this territory became part of the Fulton Circuit conference and the Fulton Circuit became a part of the Aberdeen District.
The conference minutes of 1858 showed 367 white members, 10 white probationary members, and 10 colored probationary members in the Fulton Circuit. The first church building in Fulton was a frame building built by Malachi (Mack) Cummings between 1878 and 1880 and deeded to the Methodist Church on August 10, 1880.
A Ladies’ Aid Society was organized in 1913 to raise money to paint the wooden building. In 1927, a Woman’s Missionary Society was organized to replace the Ladies Aid. The Missionary Society became the Women’s Society of Christian Service in 1946. The Methodist Church building was used by all denominations until 1917 when the Baptists built their own building.
The first parsonage was completed in 1923. In 1926 or 1927, six Sunday School rooms were added to the back of the wooden building. This building was torn down in 1930 and the brick building with a sanctuary, 12 classrooms, and 2 restrooms was built at what is now the northeast corner of Clifton and Main Streets. This building was paid for and dedicated in September of 1935.