The Gladwyne Fire Company consists of about 40 volunteer firefighters, three paid housemen (who provide 24-hour coverage), Board of 15 volunteers, and approximately 1,300 families and businesses who provide the funding.
The firefighters constitute the Brigade, which elects a Chief, a Deputy Chief, and four Assistant Chiefs. In addition to basic firefighting training, which all officers and volunteers receive, individuals are trained in specialties, such as driving and operating the complex equipment, advanced search and rescue techniques, hazardous material handling, water rescue, and many other specialized skills. Training sessions are held three times a month in-house for the entire year. Further, members are encouraged to take classes at Montgomery County Fire Academy to further advance their firefighting and rescue skills.
The Board of Directors, elected by the community, elects a president, a treasurer, a secretary, and several vice presidents. Each Board Member serves on several committees. The Board meets monthly, and committees meet as needed. They operate under a set of bylaws, and in cooperation with the Lower Merion Township Fire Office, Police, and Commissioners.
Any person or business contributing $25 or more to the Company fund drive, becomes a member and receives eligibility to vote in the election of Board Members at the annual meeting in January.