The Chamber of Commerce has been a part of the Idaho Falls scene for over 100 years, helping to forge the business community forward. Although the message content has changed over the years, the Chamber has been dedicated to telling the Idaho Falls story. Information has been and continues to be readily provided to the business world and others seeking information about regional shopping, cultural interests, medical and health care, recreation, transportation and other businesses and organizations in Eastern Idaho.
In June 1904, as businessmen came to realize that their own prosperity depended on the development of a prosperous, healthy, happy community, a group of business leaders formed the first business organization called the Idaho Falls Commercial Club. In 1907, the group was reorganized as the Idaho Falls Club of Commerce, as their primary focus shifted to attracting new industries and commercial development to Idaho Falls.
The name changed April 28, 1919, to Bonneville County Commercial Club and again April 5, 1922, when the Chamber of Commerce came into existence. In the late 1950's, it was recognized that whatever affected the businesses of Idaho Falls, had a profound impact on the surrounding communities, so the name was changed to The Greater Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce, it's present designation.