We are a Holy Spirit-filled Christian fellowship whose life and leader is the Lord Jesus Christ. We have been placed to serve as a metro-regional church and called to be people who are "Making A Difference In The World." As such, we embrace cultural diversity. We are committed to knowing Christ and making Him known to others. . . we are committed to exalting the Lordship of Christ in our worship, exemplifying His excellence in our works, and expressing His love in our words. We are intent on passing the torch of Christian truth to the next generation.
9:00 AM - Sunday School
10:00 AM - Sunday Celebration Service, Child Care ages 0-4, Kidz Klub ages 5-12, Jr. High Service Grades 6th-8th
7:00 PM - Wednesday Service, Child Care ages 0-4, Kidz Klub Grades K-6th, Youth Service Ages 12-18, College & Career Ages 18 & Up.