Hayesville Middle School students will learn, achieve, and fulfill their academic potential in a physically and emotionally safe environment. become life-long learners, making a significant positive difference in our community and the world.
We believe our middle school...
Should feature a program that responds to the physical, intellectual, social, and emotional developmental needs of the early adolescent learner. Implications of the earlier onset of puberty, the unevenness of growth, the cognitive development process, the importance of the peer group, the sensitivity of students, and the need for values education must be studied and integrated into the curriculum.
Provides a transitional experience for pupils. Our program builds on the successes of elementary education by focusing on the learning needs of each student as an individual while preparing the student for a high school education. The high school educational program is subject-oriented and the students have more decisions to make with regard to the curriculum and extra-curricular programs. We believe the understanding, acceptance, and support of the parents and community are essential for a successful middle school. There must be open communication among the administrators, teachers, students, parents, and the community to better meet the educational and developmental needs of middle level youngsters.
Our middle school students will...
Master basic academic skills. The educational program should diagnose and evaluate the progress of all students and should be based on their individual needs. It should assist students in the development of thinking, problem solving, and decision-making skills.
Participate in a comprehensive physical education program and intramural athletics.
Experience exploratory learning activities in the areas of fine arts and practical arts.
Understand the intellectual, physical, social, and emotional changes unique to the middle level student.
Function in a flexible organizational program to allow for interdisciplinary teams and block-of-time scheduling.
Have a caring environment conducive to the student's fullest possible development intellectually, physically, socially, and emotionally.
Develop individual career awareness.
Participate in drug and alcohol abuse prevention programs emphasizing self-esteem, positive interaction with others, and decision-making.
Experience in a comprehensive guidance and counseling program.
Have administrators and teachers that participate in an on-going program of staff development
Benefit from opon communication among administrators, teachers, students, parents, and the general public.
Utilize the technology and print resources available in our media center, thereby establishing behaviors of life-long learners.