The mission of Hough Street School is to provide a learning environment which addresses the intellectual, physical, social, and emotional needs of all students by assisting each learner in developing the skills, attitudes, and behaviors necessary to become a competent, confident, and caring person.
A safe, secure, healthy, and nurturing environment optimizes learning.
Respect for and understanding of self and others are essential in a learning community.
Attitudes which honor the oneness and diversity of humankind must be fostered.
Personal responsibility is essential in all areas of life.
Perseverance is necessary in the pursuit of excellence.
Each learner's strengths should be discovered, encouraged, and developed.
Students learn best when engaged in meaningful and challenging learning experiences.
High order thinking skills facilitate problem-solving and decision-making.
Our school must anticipate, plan for, and successfully adapt to change.
Parents are valued partners in the education of their children.
The personal well-being and professional development of each staff member should be actively encouraged.